Mirrorcle Publications

Comparison of MEMS Mirror LiDAR Architectures

Abhishek Kasturi, Veljko Milanovic, Daniel Lovell, Frank Hu, Derek Ho, Yu Su, Lj. Ristic, "Comparison of MEMS Mirror LiDAR Architectures, " SPIE 2020 OPTO Conference, San Francisco, CA, February 3, 2020

MEMS Mirror Module for Programmable Light System

Abhishek Kasturi*, Veljko Milanovic, Frank Hu, Hong Joo Kim, Derek Ho, Daniel Lovell, "MEMS Mirror Module for Programmable Light System, " SPIE 2019 OPTO Conference, San Francisco, CA, February 3, 2019

Real-Time 3D Tracking

Veljko Milanovic, Abhishek Kasturi, "Real-Time 3D Tracking, " WILEY-VCH, OPTIK & PHOTONIK, 4/2013 pg. 55-59 (PDF, 569k) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/opph.201300036/pdf, April 1, 2013

MEMS-Based High-Speed Low-Power Vector Display

K. Castelino, V. Milanović, D. T. McCormick, "MEMS-Based High-Speed Low-Power Vector Display, " 2005 IEEE/LEOS Optical MEMS and Their Applications Conf., Oulu, Finland, Aug. 2005, pp. 127-128, August 1, 2005