Analog Input BDQ PicoAmp MEMS Drivers

Takes two analog inputs from input header connector (specified below) and converts to four channels (bias-differential method) to drive MTI MEMS mirror devices to full angles. Wide bandwidth of actuation. Also included is protection circuitry to reduce the possibility of device damage. Safe operation further relies on the customer-provided clock signal for setting the cut-off frequency of on-board low-pass filters (that frequency should be set based on recommended value in each device datasheet). A dc supply voltage must also be provided on the input header.

BDQ PicoAmp 5.4 B160
Enclosure:No box/enclosure included
Input voltage range:2 analog inputs, -10V to +10V
Mirror origin input and output voltage:
0V on inputs gives 80V Vbias on all outputs
Output voltage range:
~ 0V - 160V
Large signal bandwidth:up to 25kHz possible, governed by LPF
Input connectors:10-pin header (0.05", 2 rows, vertical)
Output connector:10-pin header (0.05", 2 rows, right angle)
Power consumption:
~ 75mW
Input supply voltage:+5VDC at input connector (4.9V-5.1V)
On-board hardware LPFs:YES, require clock input for fc selection