
MEMS Mirrors

    • Gimbal-less design gives ultra-fast two-axis laser beam steering
    • Large angles in point-to-point (quasi-static) or resonant mode of operation
    • Variety of mirror sizes available in stock, from 0.6mm to 7.5mm
      Click Here for MEMS Mirror Technical Overivew PDF

Development Kits

    • Plug-and-play solution for rapid development of demonstrations of concept, prototypes, and applications
    • Allows control of MEMS mirror, laser, and other accessories from laptop, PC, or mobile device via USB or bluetooth
    • Extensive software development kit and executable examples
    • Compact and efficient USB MEMS Controller with specialized MEMS driver for enhanced scanning performance

Educator’s Kits

    • State of the Art Programmable Lasers for Educational Institutions
    • Professors are offered a special Educator’s Kit to help prepare their students for the cutting edge of modern industries
    • The kit can also serve as a valuable educational tool for instruction on spring-mass systems, resonance, impulse/step responses, and more

MEMS Drivers

    • USB-based MEMS Controllers for control of MEMS and accessories from multiple platforms, Windows, Linux, Android (see development kits)
    • OEM MEMS Drivers with digital input (PicoAmp) or analog input (BDQ PicoAmp) options for product development
    • Low power consumption, compact size solutions
    • Various modifications and customizations possible

Software Suite

  • Variety of software solutions that create X- and Y-axis drive signals and controls for lasers or other accessories by digital triggering, synchronization with other units, and more
  • Multiple executables with rastering examples, vector-based drawing examples, text displaying, etc.
  • Provides controls for refresh rates, sample rates, etc.
  • Extensive software development kits with Windows C++, Linux C++, Matlab, LabView, Java/Android APIs available
  • Various 2D and 3D Lissajous modes, mathematical curves and constructs