MTILidar API Reference#
class MTILidar#
Methods for querying Lidar device and MTILidar instance status
MTILidarError GetLastError()#
bool HasError()#
virtual ~MTILidar() = default#
Constructor and Destructor of MTILidar instances
static MTILidar *CreateLidar(int lidarType = LIDAR_TYPE_SYMPL1)#
Create an instance of MTILidar.
Methods for converting points
static void PointsXYZtoSphere(const std::vector<PointXYZ> &pointsXYZ, std::vector<PointSphere> &pointsSphere)#
Convert vector of XYZ points into a vector of spherical points.
static void PointsSpheretoXYZ(const std::vector<PointSphere> &pointsSphere, std::vector<PointXYZ> &pointsXYZ)#
Convert vector of spherical points into a vector of XYZ points.
Open the COM port and connect and disconnect to the Lidar device.
virtual void ConnectLidar(const std::string &portName) = 0#
Opens the COM port and connects to the addressed Lidar device.
virtual void ConnectLidar() = 0#
Opens the first available Lidar serial device and connects to it.
virtual void DisconnectLidar() = 0#
Stops communication with the Lidar and closes the COM port.
Methods for getting and setting Lidar parameters, scanning parameters, and data processing parameters
virtual LidarParameters GetLidarParameters() = 0#
Gets all LidarParameters from the Lidar device.
virtual void SetRasterParameters(const RasterParameters &rasterParameters) = 0#
Set the raster pattern variables.
virtual RasterParameters GetRasterParameters() = 0#
Get the raster pattern variables.
virtual void GenerateAndLoadRaster(const RasterParameters &rasterParameters) = 0#
Generate and load raster pattern.
virtual void GenerateAndLoadRaster() = 0#
Overload without arguments uses the raster parameters that were previously set with SetRasterParameters()
virtual void GetRasterData(std::vector<float> &xData, std::vector<float> &yData) = 0#
virtual void SetDataProcessingParameters(const DataProcessingParameters &dataProcessingParameters) = 0#
Data processing parameters are used to set the type of post-processing done on the point cloud Post-processing will be automatically done on all incoming data from the Lidar device according to the parameters set by this command.
virtual DataProcessingParameters GetDataProcessingParameters() = 0#
Returns the DataProcessingParameters that are being used to process incoming data from the Lidar device
Methods involved in operating the Lidar device
virtual void StartLidar() = 0#
Start the operation of the Lidar device.
virtual void StopLidar() = 0#
Stop the operation of the Lidar device.
virtual void GetFrame(std::vector<PointXYZ> &pointsXYZ, int timeoutMs) = 0#
Gets the most recent frame of 3D points that was scanned and returns the frame as described in Cartesian coordinates. See: PointXYZ If timoutMs=0, immediately returns if data is not available.
virtual void GetFrame(std::vector<PointSphere> &pointsSphere, int timeoutMs) = 0#
Gets the most recent frame of 3D points that was scanned and returns the frame as described in spherical coordinates. See: PointSphere If timoutMs=0, immediately returns if data is not available.
MTILidarError GetLastError()#
struct DataProcessingParameters#
Parameters used by ProcessData.
Public Members
OutlierHandling outlierHandling = OutlierHandling::INTERPOLATE#
bool smoothingFilterEnabled = true#
int smoothingFilterBandwidthHz = 3000#
bool integrationEnabled = false#
float integrationFactor = 0.7f#
bool cropDataEnabled = true#
float cropDataRangeMin = 0.0f#
float cropDataRangeMax = 0.0f#
int dataAlignmentAdjustment = 0#
bool removeRetraceData = 0#
OutlierHandling outlierHandling = OutlierHandling::INTERPOLATE#
struct LidarParameters#
Read-only parameters returned by querying the Lidar device.
struct PointSphere#
A point in 3D space, described in a spherical coordinate system More information:
struct PointXYZ#
A point in 3D space, described in Cartesian coordinates.
struct RasterParameters#
Parameters to be used in the construction of a raster scanning pattern.
Public Members
int numLines = 20#
float lineDuration = 0.01f#
float xAmplitude = 1.0f#
float yAmplitude = 1.0f#
float xOffset = 0.0f#
float yOffset = 0.0f#
FastAxisType fastAxis = FastAxisType::SINUSOIDAL#
int numLines = 20#
enumerator LIDAR_TYPE_STUB#
enumerator LIDAR_TYPE_SYMPL1#